
Star wars kotor 2 mira influence guide
Star wars kotor 2 mira influence guide

star wars kotor 2 mira influence guide

At first, Atton is better as a ranged fighter, but as you increase his damage and melee skills he can become a formidable soldier at close range. He also has the survival skill which makes it harder to inflict damage on him as his health depletes. The scoundrel class grants Atton the ability to return to battle after loosing all of his health. If you choose to play as a female he will show more interest in getting to know you. Starting AttributesĪtton appears on the mining colony of Peragus trapped behind a force shield. If you have a bit of influece over the robot, you are able to have him make computer spikes for you. The last time will give you the ability to heal droids through the force. You can upgrade him a total of four times. This will also depend on your computer, intelligence, and repair skills. If you gain enough influence with T3 you will have the option to permanently upgrade his capabilities. He can even be sold for scrap on Nar Shaddaa, although he will return later in the game. If you are looking to be evil, abuse T3 at every opportunity. This will usually entail choosing the lighter side of a conversation. Influence Keeping T3 on your side involves speaking kindly to him. Droids are useful for' ranged combat and immunity to force powers. If you choose to play the prologue (or have play' ed the first game) you will become famliar with T3 quickly. When you recieve your personalized lightsaber crystal in the Crystal Caves of Dantooine, speak with Kreia and she will center the crystal on your alignment and make it more powerful. At this point she will give you access to the addition classes that come with being evil or good. Be sure to speak to Kreia once you have reached level 15 and have a very strong alignment in either direction. Influence Kreia can be a difficult character to read but there is one thing that will always please her: manipulation. This means that she works well as a ranged character and should be equipped with a blaster rifle or pistol. Her most powerful attribute is her ability to wield the force. She doesn't join you at first, but immediately enters your mind to provide advice throughout the journey. Kriea is the first person you will encounter in the game.

Star wars kotor 2 mira influence guide